Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Quickie Pin-Cushion

Now that I've started sewing I really see the use for a pin cushion.  At first I thought I'd just use the little container my pins came in.  Usually that works fine, until I'm reaching in to grab a bunch and I stab myself in the finger.  So I thought I'd make a pin cushion.  I found this little guy and used that as my inspiration.  I left off the button and instead of filling it with fluff I used rice to weigh it down to make it a little easier to use. 

Basically, just patch together some small pieces (2.5x2.5 squares in this one, but you could probably adjust the size to your liking) and once you've got a 2x2 square sew together like you would a pillow.  Flip it inside out then stuff and sew up the hole. 


Quick and easy and pretty cheap too since I already had these fabrics on hand. 

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